Duffel Links
- Do you have a Duffel Links demo?
- Is Duffel Links responsive and mobile-friendly?
- What countries is Duffel Links supported in?
- Are there any limitations with Duffel Links?
- Can I mark up fares using Duffel Links?
- How do I support my customer if they need to make changes to a booking?
- How can I make Duffel Links reflect my brand?
- Can I use Duffel Links without an API request?
- How much will it cost to use Duffel Links?
- Are there restrictions on who can use Duffel Links - Search and Book?
- Who will be the merchant of record on my customer’s card statement?
- How will Duffel take payment from my customer?
- Who will be able to use Duffel Links to book live flights?