Most flights are priced in GBP. For some airlines, we offer flights priced in EUR. Other currencies may be available - just get in touch!
When you search for flights, we'll return back to you a bunch of "offers": priced availability, direct from our airline partners, that you can go ahead and book.
Today, most of our flights are priced in Pounds Sterling (GBP). We can offer flights from some airlines priced in Euros (EUR).
You'll charge your customer directly, and then pay us, which means that you can convert our prices into your choice of currency and then charge them. So, for example, we might give you flights priced in Pounds Sterling (GBP), but you can still choose to charge your customers in US Dollars (USD).
If you're interested in a different currency, get in touch and we'll see what we can do to help.
If you're an accredited IATA travel agent, you can get prices in your own currency. Again, just drop us an email and we'll be happy to help you set that up.