Most airlines set "look-to-book ratios", which require you to make at least one booking for every certain number of searches.
Most airlines set "look-to-book ratios", which require you to make at least one booking for every certain number of searches.
For example, a look-to-book ratio of 1000:1 would mean that you need to make at least one booking for every 1,000 searches you perform.
We've built smart technology at Duffel that helps us to manage look-to-book ratios effectively and allow you to make more searches with less worry.
If you're an IATA-accredited travel agent using your own airline agreements
We won't set any look-to-book ratio. It's between you and each airline you connect to.
If you're a non-IATA agent and using Duffel's airline relationships
We'll expect you to stay within a look-to-book ratio of 1500:1.
This means that we might not be suitable for certain kinds of use cases, for example metasearch engines or calendar search.
If you're not sure if Duffel is right for you, drop us an email at and we'll work with you to understand your use case.