How you'll pay for flights depends on whether you're an accredited IATA travel agent. If you're not, we can handle all of that for you.
How you'll pay for flights depends on whether you're an accredited IATA travel agent. If you're not, don't worry - we can handle all of that for you.
I'm not an accredited IATA travel agent
You'll need to keep your Duffel Balance topped up, and then we'll use the money in your balance to pay for flights.
If you get a refund for one of the flights you've booked, the amount will be returned to your Duffel Balance.
You'll need to collect payments from your customers directly, by credit or debit card, for example.
We won't take your Duffel fees from your Balance. We'll charge them to your credit/debit card once a month.
I'm already an accredited IATA travel agent
You'll be able to settle with the airline you book with in the normal way - just as you would with your GDS or another aggregator. Depending on the airline, this might mean using the IATA BSP or paying with a credit/debit card.
You'll need to collect payments from your customers directly, by credit or debit card, for example.
We'll charge your Duffel fees to your credit/debit card once a month.